Coming Soon

Paranormal Horrors of The True North (2023)
An extensive anthology of super-ghostly tales, where you'll traverse truly frightening locales haunted by vengeful spiri...
Secret of the Holy Grail (2023)
Some say there are descendants of God himself via his Son, Jesus, and his wife, Mary Magdalene. Others believe there wer...
Bible Conspiracies 2 (2023)
Delve into the depths of the Holy Bible, where sacred divine messages lie concealed, awaiting discovery. Gain newfound i...
Illuminati: The Grand Illusion (2023)
Employing adept manipulation tactics, they exert their control over the world, yet their influence transcends mere polit...
Sacred Soul Science (2023)
Embark on a visionary journey where physics converges with metaphysics, unveiling the profound Science of the Soul. This...
Alchemy 2: Beyond The Emerald Tablet (2023)
Following the fall of the Roman Empire, a significant portion of knowledge was obscured. This documentary delves into th...
Alchemy 3.: Human Transformation (2023)
Embark on a journey to unravel the enigmatic secrets of medieval alchemy, delving deep into its profound wisdom of self-...
Alchemy 4: Psychology and the Alchemists (2023)
Carl Jung was a protege of Sigmund Freud, whose revolutionary ideas reshaped the landscape of psychology in the early 20...
Alchemy 1: The Egyptian Connection (2023)
Uncover the ancient secrets of Egyptian alchemists, who ingeniously crafted exquisite artifacts like the renowned golden...